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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conference and such...

Happy Conference Weekend!

Is it just me, or did General Conference rock even more than usual this October??!? For those readers who may not know what I'm talking about, my church has a semi-annual world-wide Conference held in April and October. We get to hear from the apostles and prophets of the Lord, and then some.

Let me just say that I love our prophet, Thomas S. Monson. He's got a bit of a comedic side! I absolutely LOVE his facial expressions and stories! You can watch his message here and hear/watch the rest of the speakers here. Take the time. He's wonderful... great speaker, great sense of humor, great love for the members of the church.

One of my favorite moments of this conference was finding out that there would be a second temple built in Provo where the Provo Tabernacle used to be before it burned down back in December of 2010. Fun fact about that event: when firefighters were going through the rubble of the building, they found a picture of Jesus Christ... the silhouette of which was not burned. So cool. The video/article is here. A Christmas Miracle for sure.

So... we had a super filling breakfast on Sunday morning.
Tons of yummy stuff.
I was very full.

And THEN I went to my aunt's house for the afternoon session and dinner.
We made chicken roll-ups.
My Grandma's recipe.
I love those things so much.

And I got to watch Conference with my 5 cousins: Jimmy, Jaden, Jordon, Chris, and Eric.
They were surprisingly well behaved, given the fact that they're super hyper boys.
And they all adore me as much as I adore them.

This is Eric. The youngest. So cute.

Jaden made the cutest comment at the end of the session. President Monson got up to speak, and I commented that I had seen him before in real life when I went to Conference back in April. Jaden's eyes got really big and he said, "President Monson is real?!!" I laughed and responded that of course he was, I had seen him with my own eyes. Jaden said, "Wow... now I'm going to tell that to my Primary teacher next Sunday. She'll be so surprised to hear that he's real!"
I love children.
So innocent.
And I love Conference.
A lot.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVED having you!!! I'm so happy that you posted about Jaden's comment... I missed it being up in the kitchen by then :). I too love their innocent and REAL words and thoughts!! I love keeping family traditions alive and starting new ones, thank you for being apart of ours today!!
