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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Remember Him as you picture Christmas this year

Thus far, it's been a wonderful Christmas Day.

There will be more to come on my festivities in a later post.

But for now, I want to turn your thoughts to the One that we all should have been thinking about today.
The greatest Christmas gift of all was given hundreds of years ago in the town of Bethlehem. God gave us His Son... and it is a story that has been painted and filmed and reenacted over and over again. However, I'm sure that none of these depictions completely capture the serenity and peace that must have been felt by those who saw the star and the Babe that evening.

I love these pictures... the first two are photos taken by Mark Mabry and the second two are still shots from the movie The Nativity Story. Also, if you would like to see a short video depiction of the nativity, you are welcome to view the new video that the First Presidency came out with at the Christmas Devotional at the beginning of this month.

He is the greatest gift.
We celebrate His birth; there is no Christmas without Christ.
Take a moment to remember.

Picture a Christmas from the Primary Children's Songbook
Lyrics by P.K Graham

Picture a stable in Judea.
Picture a sacred, silent night.
And can you hear
The angels near
And see the stars so bright

Picture the kind and gentle Joseph.
Picture the mother, Mary, fair.
And can you see
So rev'rently
The shepherds kneeling there?

Picture the little baby Jesus.
Think of his life and words so dear.
Sing praise to him;
Remember him,
As you picture Christmas this year.

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