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Monday, March 19, 2012

Now THIS is March.

Last year, March was just a straight-up wonderful month. I don't think I had a single bad/stressful day the whole entire month.
This year, March has been pretty good for the most part, but I feel a little more stressed than I did last year. Okay, maybe fair bit more stressed.
However, now that we're over halfway through the month I feel like March is suddenly flipping around. It's like we've passed over the hump of the month and it's smooth sailing the rest of the way.

I'm not complaining.

Wedding plans are coming along. Classes are starting to reach the end of the curriculum. The weather got warmer, then it snowed yesterday, and now there are patches of blue in the sky again and the weather forecaster is telling me that it will be nearly 70 degrees on Friday. Not to mention I had a great weekend.

On Friday I got to spend some time in a legit recording studio located in the Harris Fine Arts Center (aka, my home. Aka, the HFAC) and record a song. (No, I do not have a copy of it).

I got to do some work in the Timpanogos Temple for the first time on Saturday morning. It was simply gorgeous, both outside and inside. No, I did not take this picture... it was cloudy and windy when I went.

The evening consisted of pina coladas, hot-tubbing, a late night stroll, and cake balls.

Doug and I went crazy in the kitchen on Sunday. And ya know what? I didn't take any pictures. What type of blogger am I?!
More pina coladas.
Big, puffy pretzels.
Homemade pizza.
Caramel chocolate chip cookies.
Not to mention 2 Disney movies. Can I just say that I have been dying to watch The Emperor's New Groove for a year, if not more?! We finally got our hands on it, plus watched Aladdin. Oh, how I love Disney. A little more than 2 months from now, I'll be back in Disneyland. Yes!

Man, I love weekends. It's a shame that they can't last longer. I just need to embrace school and enjoy it, and then maybe it will go by quicker. Time flies when you're having fun, right?


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