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Monday, April 9, 2012

The Adventures of Flat Stanley, Day 7

Dear Jenna,

Flat Stanley has officially been here for a week now! He's finally getting used to this weird world that we call Provo. I only have two more days of classes: Tuesday and Wednesday... then maybe Doug and I can take Stan on some fun adventures.

We had a Ward Talent show today. Doug and I sang a song called The Prayer. For some reason, I cannot get it to upload directly onto my blog, so perhaps you can watch it on Facebook. Tell mommy to use Johnathon's account. I think the performance went really well... if I do say so myself.

In any case, Stan really wanted to be in on the action.
So guess what we let the little rock star do?

He has a real talent for drumming, that's for sure! We should let him be in a band. Go Stan, go!!!
Oh... and I'll be home in about 2 weeks, give or take a couple days. I still do not know the exact day I'll be coming home. We'll see.

But in the meantime... Stan and I have plenty of things to do!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I just saw the countdown timer until our wedding. ;) I love you.
