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Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Wishes 9.22

Next week marks the beginning of my favorite month! October, you are soooo close... But I suppose I should focus on the here-and-now.

I had a pretty good weekend, filled with a documentary about camels and their owners, wading in the pool in the BYU statue garden, briefly holding my old roommate's little baby, going to see an awesome dance concert, watching the BYU/UoU rivalry game (we lost, but it was still fun to watch it), and trying to sleep as much as possible because my throat started feeling sore and I want to prevent a full-out cold. So far, I've been mostly successful. We watched Mulan last night... such a good movie. Did you know I've made a sandwich for Donny Osmond? True story. Except I want to call it a MANwich because every time I think of Donny Osmond, I think "Be a man! We must be swift as the coursing riverrrrr..."

Time to report on weekly goals!

And check out these flowers that were blooming by the statue garden pool. What is this, spring?! They're pretty though...

Last Week
I wanted to post on my blog more. Success! (I posted 2 times more than the previous week!)
I wanted to make a fall date list with my husband. Nope. But it's coming! Fall just barely started, anyways.
Finally, I wanted to keep cleaning the apartment. I wish I could say I did... but... school. Life. And laziness.

This Week
Date list! Make that dang fall date list!
Find ways to serve my husband. Return and report.
Keep doing better on blogging. 3 posts during the week, at a minimum. And this weekly wishes post doesn't count!

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  1. Ooh, a fall date list sounds like fun! Good luck with your goals this week!

  2. you should post your fall date list as one of your posts!! Good luck with your wishes!!

  3. Hi Ashley! I love your blog name! Good luck with your wishes this week!

  4. Good luck with this week's wishes!
    I normally write out little post it note reminders and stick them anywhere in my room (Wardrobe, mirror, etc) That way I can keep reminding myself I need to post on my blog :)
    Have fun.

