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Monday, July 7, 2014

Ikea. Enough said.

Sometimes you just have to go on dates to Ikea.

Yay for smartphone photos and really awful warehouse lighting! If only there were an Ikea closer to Provo. It would be a hot-spot for college date nights... it's just so fun to sit in the display areas, and the food court is dirt cheap. It's definitely an "experience-in-person" type of place though, pictures make it look gross.

It was a rather impromptu trip - we stopped there on the way to the SLC airport on Saturday to pick up Doug's dad, who is in town visiting for the week. The evening culminated in a trip to The Old Spaghetti Factory (at my suggestion) and I swear I haven't been there in forever! It brings back memories of the times I've eaten there for family gatherings.

And I'll say it now... I'm obsessed with maxi skirts and maxi dresses. I'm jumping on the bandwagon very late, I know, but they're just so comfortable with my constantly changing and growing belly.

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