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Thursday, November 13, 2014

For the weekend

The first snowfall of the season can be checked off the list! And on that note, I'm settling in for a cozy, warm, productive, stay-at-home-and-drink-hot-chocolate sort of weekend.

I will admit right now: I'm going to start putting up my Christmas decorations. Before you shake a finger at me, I'll just throw it out there that I normally wait until the day after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas... but I'm supposed to have a baby that weekend. I don't think I'll want to worry about decorations when I have a newborn. I pretty sure that's a legitimate excuse, so now I'm going to spend my weekend listening to dear Michael Buble's Christmas CD and adding a little holiday cheer to our home decor. And I will enjoy it.

Meanwhile, here are some posts for your personal weekend reading:


  1. ah that snow looks perfect!! i wish there was more of it!

    1. I always wish there was more snow... and then Christmas is over and I want all the snow to go away. Haha! I'm so fickle...
