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Friday, January 2, 2015

Out with the old // 2014 in review

Happy New Year!

I'll cut to the chase: 2014 has been pretty good to Doug and me. I'm almost sad to see it go - but it's hard to be sad when there are great things to look forward to in 2015. I'm feeling nostalgic though, so let's take a quick review of some of the highlights of this year, shall we?


I'll start with this one, since it's the most obvious. I found out I was pregnant on April Fool's Day this year. No joke. I told Doug right away, and was worried he'd might think it was a trick, but he believed me immediately. The whole rest of the year was one long, fun waiting game. Pregnancy was (thankfully) a breeze for me, and then my baby girl arrived at the beginning of December. Raising her is going to make 2015 so much more exciting than it was growing her in my womb during 2014. But that was still fun. And now is the perfect time to line up all of my bumpdate photos together so you can see the progression:

Whoo, pregnancy! Whoo, baby girl!


I graduated with my bachelor's back in April. It has been really weird to be homework-less and to get to spend so much time at home, although I personally wouldn't have it any other way for raising my baby. I don't know how moms manage to continue school with a newborn. Superwomen, goodness. Doug, meanwhile, was accepted into the Masters of Information Systems Management program at BYU and has been loving it. He only has 3 semesters of school left!


I got bangs. If that's not a lifestyle change (for me) then I don't know what is. The straight-across fringe didn't last long though. As a family, we moved to a new apartment over the summer. It is pretty much twice as big as our previous apartment, and we have a dishwasher and air conditioning here! I can't imagine going through the summer as a pregnant woman without air conditioning. Yuck. Doug also arranged a contract at work so that he's working full time now, starting today. This means benefits and a major pay increase. We love Doug's company! The picture above was from this year's company retreat to Park City.

Hobbies and Interests

I tried to soak up as much ballroom as I could before graduation. Being part of the BYU Ballroom Dance Company helped me get my ballroom fix - and even after graduation, I still went to a couple social dance labs despite my growing belly. It wasn't bad dancing at 15 or 16 weeks, but you should've seen me trying to triple swing or waltz at week 35. Oh man. I've also worked on several theatre productions this year, two favorites of which were probably Little Women and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I was teaching musical theatre to elementary school students up until Thanksgiving, after which I went on indefinite maternity leave. Dancing around with those kids definitely didn't help with my swelling feet... but I miss 'em.


It's been a lax year in the travel department. Other than our trip to Park City and various adventures up to Salt Lake City, the only other traveling we've done this year is one trip to my hometown back at the beginning of summer. Maybe 2015 will be a little more rich in travel... but maybe not. We'll see!

For 2015

Well, those are the major things, I guess. Out with the old! In with the new! 2015 promises to be a pretty good year for our family. A major part of that is thanks to the little baby girl sitting in my arms as I type this (typing while holding a nursing baby is a new talent I've developed). Perhaps in the next week or two I'll do a "2015 Goals" post (no guarantees) but for now, I will say that one of my top goals is losing the extra baby weight that still hasn't disappeared since I gave birth. Post-partum body image is a whole post in and of itself though, so we'll get there when we get there.

Happy 2015! I hope each of you have a year that's better than the last!

See 2013 in review here

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