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Monday, July 13, 2015

Life Lately

The first picture is one of the only ones I took on the 4th of July.
Happy baby watching the parade.
The second picture is me in a face mask that a sweet gal at church brought back from Japan for me. It may look funny, but it was refreshing!

Other things lately:

I just got done with a week-long sugar detox.
(More on that in my next post)
We just bought plane tickets to San Fran so I can join Doug at the end of his next business trip
(First time on a plane with a baby... any advice??? Help!!!)
I've found a new love for spinach (thanks, detox)
Nicole started clapping
I'm still geeking out about the recent thunderstorms we had
And... Nicole tried lemon for the first time.
For my readers who either aren't on facebook, didn't see the post, or aren't friends with me on there... here's the video I took a little over a week ago of her introduction to lemon. We were making lemonade and decided it was an opportune moment to give her a little taste. The poor baby didn't know what hit her.
Happy Monday, everyone!

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