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Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Feed The Ducks" Party

Today was my one-and-only nephew's third birthday, and so we did what any three year old would be excited to do... went to the park to play and feed ducks! A couple of nesting mama ducks may or may not have gotten terrorized when we all came traipsing over the rocks, but overall the party was a fun success for all the little ones. Nothing beats fresh air, hungry water fowl, and birthday cake!

A couple photos from our morning at the park (I was going around in short sleeves! At 10 AM! Glorious! ALL the exclamation points!)

 ^^^Another terrorized duck for the scoreboards today ;)
 ^^^Balloon ducks lined the ground in front of our pavilion
 ^^^Nicole was more content to eat the bread than to give it away to the ducks ;)
 ^^^Messy, drool-covered toddler faces! This is my life right now.

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