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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Life's About To Get CrAzY!

A quick word about this picture... I introduced Nicole to the magic of blanket forts this month. (If you follow along on Snapchat, then you know all about it!) The one in the picture above is the smallest one we've built, but she loves forts of all shapes and sizes! Who needs to buy trendy toddler tepee's when you can make a blanket fort?!

As the title of the post suggests, we're in for a busy month. Between closing on a house next week and moving and Doug getting ready to graduate and several birthdays and appointments and various activities (Bunco! Book club! Empowering Mothers group! General Conference! Trying to keep up my visits to the Recreation Center! Taking Nicole outside more as the weather warms up! Sleeping somewhere in all of this!), we're going to have our hands full. I still intend to not let this blog stay silent for the whole month, but hey... what happens, happens. Right now I'm just enjoying the calm before the storm!

Happy weekend! We'll be watching a good 8+ hours of this and celebrating my birthday! Free food items for daaaaayz!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole looks as if she is a monster!! lol!
    Love Ya!
