My family drove to Utah to be here for Austin's baby blessing in church yesterday, and it was quite the action-packed weekend! There were adventures to the local aquarium, teppanyaki grills, games, big family meals, and lots of sparkling cider. Nicole and Austin never went to bed on time, houses were packed with family, and we all got to listen to Doug give this sweet baby boy a blessing and a name for the records of the church.
The weather was cold and overcast. We all woke up late and had to rush to get to church. Pictures were hurried and blurry and missing nearly all of Doug's family. Babies got overtired and cranky. But there was never a lack of snuggles and playmates and laughter. I'm pretty sure Nicole was in heaven all weekend. Man, I love this crazy family of mine.
Now we get to hole up in our house (as it snows aaaaaall week), let these poor exhausted kiddos settle back down, and find our routine again. The last week of 2016 was a blur of outings and cousin play-time and rarely a quiet moment. It's finally time to take a deep breath and get a good look at the year ahead of us.
I think it's going to be a good one!
His outfit is so cute!