- I'm pretty sure I say it every time, but Austin is such a happy little man! He smiles and laughs throughout the day, and has become very fond of shrieking in a high-pitched voice when he's excited, and cooing to himself when he's content. I love hearing him "talk" (he tells me stories all day long!) and watching him play with his toys.
- His favorite toy is a Very Hungry Caterpillar rattle that has a bunch of multi-colored linking rings attached to it. A close second favorite toy is Mortimer the Moose (at this same age, the "girly" version of this toy -- Muffin the Moose -- was Nicole's favorite! It's such a handy toy for babies!)
- He prefers to either be kicking away on his back on the ground with a toy in hand, or to be carried around the house. He cannot stand sitting in the Bumbo, which makes me so sad! Hopefully he'll grow to love it over the next month or two because it's SO handy to use at restaurants.
- He and his car seat are on fairly good terms now. ;) Haha!
- I love how he snorts when he gets excited.
- He regularly pauses in the middle of nursing to give me a huge smile, and it melts my heart! Even when that smile occurs while there's milk in his mouth, so it ends up spilling all over my arm... :P
- Also when he's nursing: he tries to hold my hand by slipping each of his tiny fingers between my big fingers. It's suuuuuuper cute.
- He loves to watch his sister run around and rewards her with smiles if she talks to him.
- He is SO content in the evenings when Doug gets home and holds him because Doug constantly walks around with him and holds him juuuuust right. Austin loves it.
- He still wakes up two or three times per night to eat, but since he is in "sleep mode" from 7 PM until 7 or 8 AM and goes right back to sleep after eating, I'm okay with it.
- Sometimes he tries to get from his back to his tummy, but right now he can only make it onto his side. He doesn't put much effort into it, though. He's still not a huge fan of being on his tummy, so I imagine he's not in a rush to figure it out!
- I love how his whole face lights up when he sees me; his eyes widen and his smile couldn't be bigger. It's like the sun bursting through a bunch of clouds.
- He enjoys: being pulled up into a sitting position, having one arm swaddled when he sleeps, chewing on my hand or his own fingers, being tickled, chilling in the baby wrap when we're out and about, snuggling and listening to me sing before I put him down for naps or bed, and being gently tossed in the air.
- Not a huge fan of: spending long-ish amounts of time in the stroller, Nicole being too close to him when she's crying, being cold, staying up past his nap or bedtime, waiting for letdowns to happen when he's nursing, sitting in a wet diaper, and tummy time.
-Ambivalent about: baths. Sometimes he likes them, sometimes he doesn't.
- At his 2 month checkup, his weight had dropped quite a bit for some reason... but he's back up to a healthy, average weight now, so I took his pants and jacket off halfway through taking pictures of him so you could all bask in the glory of his perfect little fat rolls! :D

Mmmmm, chunky babies. All the heart eyes.
We love our happy little man! I'm looking forward to the next couple of months as he learns how to sit, perfects his rolling technique, and becomes more verbal. Also, I can totally see some Pease in him in this next picture. Nicole is all Kelly, but Austin definitely has some visible Pease characteristics. At least, I think so. (And... the dimple strikes again!!!!! Eeeee!)

^^^He has a birthmark on the bottom of his right foot. I don't think I've ever shown you guys. Nicole has a birthmark about the same size on the left side of her belly. I wonder if all of my kids will have birthmarks?!

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