This girl has LOVED being in dance the past year, and is already looking forward to starting the next level of class at the end of summer. We just had the end-of-year concert on June 22-23, and it was quite the experience. Concerts at this studio are a big deal! They aren't your cut-and-dry dance recital. We have a story line, complete with set pieces and costumes that fit each dancer's character in the show. We even performed at the Covey Center, but I think that was a one-time thing because the studio's usual venue - the Regan at UVU - has been under renovation lately.
Nicole and her 4 classmates were Super Hero Dolls, complete with little capes and wristbands. They had a tap number during a scene that took place in a doll shop. All the dolls come to life to teach the main character some lessons. They also performed a barefoot number earlier in the show, but it was used as an in-front-of-the-curtain filler while the set was being changed between scenes.
Side note - it was a good show! I was impressed with the dancers, and the story line was fun. I admit it, I even cried at one point. A couple of those numbers were breathtaking.

Nicole's group was the youngest class (2.5-3 years old), they had the shortest and simplest routines, and two of the girls ended up not even doing the performances (one got sick and the other refused to dance) but those 3 little girls who DID dance got one of the loudest cheers of the show. Because let's face it... there are few things cuter than tiny girls dancing. And Nicole definitely stole the show, being front-and-center and having the dance memorized. She did most of the steps a beat or two before the demonstrators did. Oh man, she kills me. She was SO excited to be on that stage, you could see her bouncing with energy as she stood in her spot waiting for the music to start. Big, cheesy grin on her face for the entirety of both numbers. She's a performer, that's for sure.

Flowers from Grandma Kelly!
I forgot to put her wristbands on for these pictures I snagged, since we were in a rush to get out the door for the closing night performance (3 performances total), but oh well. She's a cutie. She LOVED wearing makeup and didn't want to take it off, especially the bright red lipstick.

Here's her tap routine from the dress rehearsal. (We weren't allowed to take pictures or record during the performances.) No set pieces or older girls on stage like in the actual performance, but you get the idea. Yes, one of the girls sobs the whole time, and another girl never does a single dance step, but Nicole rocks it. This was how she acted every time she got on that stage. Every. Single. Time. She has unfailing energy and excitement when she gets up in front of people.
She's the second on the left. The only one in a light blue costume.
We love our tiny dancer!
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