Nicole at 6 years:
- At times, you can be on the opposite end of the house from her and still hear her talking. Homegirl can project that voice for what seems like miles!
- She enjoys composing her own little songs on the piano. Doug even created a bass line to play with one of her compositions, so they play it as a duet together and it's adorable.
- She takes pride in her memory abilities. She proclaims, "I can put things in my mind, and they stay there for a long time! And then I can remember them all the time!" Her memory really is quite good. She surprises me with what she remembers at times.
- She LOVES Kindergarten and comes home with stories every day of things her friends did/said, or tales of the accolades she received from her teacher for listening and staying on-task.
- Her reading skills are coming along nicely, and she wistfully stated several times in recent weeks: "I hope I get lots of books for my birthday!" Well, she got multiple books!
- Speaking of books, I'm nearly done reading the first Harry Potter book to her. As of writing this, we have only 2 chapters left. She is LOVING it. She wishes she could have a broom and do magic, she does NOT like Snape, and she claims Gryffindor as her house (I'd say she's more of a Ravenclaw, but what kid DOESN'T want to be in Gryffindor when they first start the books?) It's so fun seeing your kid loving something that you've loved since your own childhood!
- There's a kid at her school - we'll call him J - whom she says is "the cutest guy in the whole class". Ooookay, you are in Kindergarten, you're not allowed to say that yet! Haha!
- Her dearest wish is that her favorite toys could come to life and play with her.
- She is a popcorn fiend.
- She has a fondness for Cafe Rio pork quesadillas, as well as taquitos, frozen fruit, and all bread products.
- She would prefer to wear short sleeved dresses year-round. She claims that her long sleeves get wet when she washes her hands, and that dresses are better than pants. I make her wear tumbling shorts under her dresses anyways, but she still prefers dresses/skirts.
- We have a daily "quiet time" in the afternoon where the kids all have solo time in separate rooms (Autumn takes her nap during this time) and there are some days where Nicole is practically BEGGING for quiet time to start because she wants to have "me time" away from her siblings.
- Top movie she added to her favorites this year: "Wreck-It Ralph" with the new "Aladdin" coming in as a close second.
- Top TV shows: Pokemon (the original Indigo League), and she recently got back into "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" because I was explaining to her how she used to watch it all the time when she was around Autumn's age, and she could barely remember the show and wanted to see what the big deal was. She told me, "This show is kinda boring..." but then proceeded to use all of her screen time for the next week watching it. Homegirl is a sucker for anything Peter Pan-related.
- She enjoys taking brisk scooter rides around the block.
- She entered a sudden "coloring book phase" in recent weeks, and has been methodically working her way page-by-page through a few different coloring books she owns.
- She loves playing "the floor is lava" and will consent to playing a card game in a heartbeat if either Doug or I indicate we are willing. She loves Skip-Bo and Uno.
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She has never-ending energy, a big imagination, and sings her heart out. She loves to play with her siblings and enjoys being a leader. We love her! Happy birthday to our dear, crazy, goofy first-born!

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