Our Itty Bitty Lydia is a month old! Isn't she precious??!
Lydia at 1 month:
- Loves being held belly-down across my forearm
- I love how her lower jaw trembles as she cries sometimes
- Lots of squeaks. Lots of grunts. Lots of gas...
- "Baby acne" is still going strong
- My only baby who doesn't have some kind of birthmark
- Getting better at maintaining eye contact
- Smiling! She also sometimes makes cute little "aaah" sounds while smiling
- Hasn't had a single bath since the hospital because I bring her in the shower with me instead, which she loves. I suppose she has had a couple of "rinse-offs" over the sink, though, thanks to diaper blow-outs...
- Sleeps best when being held, or in her car seat
- Every couple days, Austin looks at her and announces: "She's even cuter today!"
- Spent half the month with a clogged tear duct, poor baby
- Still fits in newborn clothes, but I'm starting to put her in some 3 month stuff
- Nicknames include: baby sis, squeaky, squeaker, Lydi, itty bitty one

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