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Friday, December 24, 2021

Lydia // 6 Months

Half a year with this little chunker! Here's the low-down about Lydia at 6 months old:

- Attached to my hip. Where I go, she goes. She almost always gets mad if I leave a room without her, unless someone else is holding her and she's in a good mood. Mama's girl, and it's draining, but I know it won't last forever.

- Related to that, I'm the only one who can put her down for naps and bedtime. She screams bloody murder if Doug even tries.

- She does like being out and about in public, though. She'll flash people a good cheeser if they come up and interact with her.

- Doug's sneezes scare her.

- Her record for sitting unassisted is around 10-12 seconds. We're getting there!

- I'm guessing she weighs in somewhere around 17.5 lbs, give or take. We'll get an official measurement at her appointment next week.

- She's wearing 9-month clothes, and even some 12-month clothes. Chuuuuunk.

- Had her first ever antibiotic this past month because she had a cough that wouldn't go away... yeah, she hated it. To the point where when it was medicine time, she would start crying but also try to keep her mouth shut at the same time, which resulted in this muffled wail with her lips pressed tight together. The cough was gone within a couple days of starting the medicine, though!

- Quite fussy in general, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if she has some kind of undiscovered medical issue that's giving her grief. Who knows. I'll talk to the pediatrician about it next week.

- Cut her first two teeth last week! Both of the front bottom ones.

- Wasn't impressed with the banana she tried. Or the pears. I think the antibiotic made her wary of new tastes.

- Loves her Lamaze Muffin the Moose toy, as all of her siblings before her have!

- Also loves chewing on her pink cupcake teether.

- I try reading to her, but right now she's more interested in trying to eat the books than looking at them.

- Has started trying to move around by lying flat on the ground and pushing with her toes while rolling onto one side and then back onto her stomach again.

- Meanwhile, she's extremely efficient at rolling around. I'll look away for a few seconds, then look back to discover that she's in a completely different area of the room now because she just keeps rolling.

- When I try to put pants or pajamas on her, she almost always locks her right leg so that I can't bend it and put it in the leg hole. Always her right leg, never the left. It's frustrating with zip-up one-piece pajamas because the zipper is always on the left leg, so the right leg is the one I HAVE to bend in order to get it into the hole. It makes midnight diaper changes an adventure, that's for sure.

I'm actually really excited for her to start moving around. Also, she's really cute. Just saying. Babies just get more and more fun with age! Happy half a year, Lydia!

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