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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Lydia // 8 Months

Look at this perfect little cherub in all of her chunky glory. My goodness, I love her.

Lydia at 8 months:

- Let it be known that her first word is "Mama"!!!!!! Finally! After 3 children who have all consistently said "Dada" first, we're ending with a "Mama" instead. And I personally think that she says it intentionally.

- Extremely obsessed with me. Perhaps that's why she knows how to say "Mama" already. She has to be in a great mood (well-fed, not tired, etc) to let anyone else hold her, and even then, it's only briefly. Doug can manage to hold her longer, but she refuses to let him put her to bed or down for naps.

- Still not a huge fan of most solids, although she LOVES pureed prunes, and munching on strawberries or cheerios.

- Figured out how to "inchworm" forward about a week ago! She still mostly rolls to get where she wants to go, though.

- Loves to "pat" my arm. As she does, I say, "Pat, pat, pat" and she has started saying "ba, ba, ba" in response. SO cute.

- Grabs my face and gives open-mouthed kisses. I've waited SO long to have a baby who will do this. None of my other babies were kissers.

- I sing "All Is Found" to her as her bedtime song (from Frozen 2). It really calmed her down one time, so now I sing it every night.

- Needs a pacifier when I rock her to sleep at naptime but refuses to take a pacifier at bedtime.

- Has 6 teeth now! No more "vampire baby".

- I think Austin may be her favorite sibling because he plays with her the most, and she lights up when she sees him walking toward her. He rolls around with her on the ground and tickles her and gets borderline crazy with her, but she endures it well.

- Over 19 lbs of chunky goodness

- Still wakes up 1-2x per night to eat

- If I want to hear people coo over how cute she is, all I have to do is put on her pink hat with two pom poms on top. I don't know what it is about that hat, but it magnifies her cuteness, and people literally cannot stop themselves from commenting on her.

- As long as she's either safe in my arms or with me right there by her, she's actually pretty smiley when other people look at her or talk to her. Just don't pick her up! Mom only!

- NOT a fan of baths. At all.

- Waved for the first time today! It was a full-arm flop a couple times to Doug as he was waving to her. So cute.

- Has been sick with a stomach bug in the past week and a half. Because getting covid, RSV, and the several other colds/coughs she's been sick with this winter wasn't enough, apparently.

2/3rds of a year down! She's getting so interactive. So vocal. I love it. Love you, Princess! Oh yeah, that's a new nickname I've started calling her in the past month. But I still call her Lyddies, chonky, Itty Bitty One, and baby cakes too. Obsessed with her.

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