As of about a week ago, Nicole is halfway to adulthood. IS THAT NOT INSANE?!?! Okay, I'm done yelling. But honestly, it's a bit crazy to think that her childhood (if you include the teen years) is halfway done. Nicole had a bit of a busy birthday because of school, ballet, and acrobatics, but we still managed her birthday dinner request of grilled cheese with tomato soup, as well as a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday" while she blew out candles that were wedged into no-bake cookies and ice cream. Most of the true festivities happened over the weekend with a birthday party with friends from school at Hang Time (a trampoline park) and a pizza dinner and cake with my in-laws.

Nicole at 9 years old:
- Still a huge bookworm. I put a small bookcase in her room about 2 months ago and she has already run out of space on it because she keeps bringing all types of books home as prizes from her teacher at school.
- Stays up too late reading with a nightlight. I let her get away with it because #childhood
- Even though I already read the entire Harry Potter series to her (twice, technically) she is now reading it herself. Currently on book 6. She has her own copies of all 7 books.
- Participating in Battle of the Books for the first time at school this year and is quite confident her team will win
- Has a full dance schedule this year with ballet, jazz, and acrobatics every week
- Entered the PTA-run "Reflections" program for the first time this year and came in first place for Original Dance Choreography at the intermediate level (grades 3-5) at her school.
- Sang a solo in church for the first time back on Easter. She was so nervous but did SO well.
- Has vivid dreams pretty regularly
- Still loves Polly Pockets and has enough sets to create an entire community out of them
- Wears jeans under dresses
- Puts her shirts/dresses on backwards half the time
- Would wear dresses every single day if she could
- Would also wear flip flops literally everywhere if she could
- While she's still obsessed with KitKats, there's a new candy battling for her number one spot: Airheads Xtremes
- Straight-up asked about Santa earlier this year, so... she knows
- Doesn't talk to me about boys all the time anymore, so I guess we're getting to that phase where mom isn't her go-to gossip buddy anymore. Waaaah.
- Became obsessed with the TV show "Miraculous: The Adventures of Ladybug and Cat Noir" this year (and got the rest of us hooked on it as well, honestly)
- We discovered this year that she's missing two of her adult teeth. They're just... not there. Her front two bottom molars. Hopefully the baby ones last for many years to come!
- Would rather handle the dirty dishes than sweep the kitchen floor
- Refuses to ride a bike, even though she can technically do it (Doug has witnessed)
- Very efficient on a razor scooter
- Runs on the cold side, so she's developed the habit of huddling over the heating vents whenever the furnace is running and complains that the 3 blankets on her bed (plus her fleece pajamas) are not warm enough at night
- Collects ChapSticks
- Very eclectic taste in music, but primarily prefers movie and videogame soundtracks

The happiest of birthdays to you, Nikki B. Enjoy your final year in the single digits!
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