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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New blog interface! Finally!

Alright folks, I finally gave my blog the "modernization" that it needed. Like it???
A new layout, new header...

AND I made a blog button! Hooray!

For all you bloggers out there... don't be shy. Go ahead an snag it :)

I know many girls have "sponsors" and only put buttons on their blogs if you pay money... but I'm not doing sponsors (yet) so I'm basically doing free advertisements of some of my favorite blogs along my side column. To those girls lucky enough to make it up there... you're welcome. Maybe once I gain more followers, sponsors will be an option for me.


Also, I FINALLY realized that I had no links that allowed people to easily follow my blog... so the "follow" section is in the right column now!
I know that a lot more people read my blog than actually follow it (there's no other way I'd get that many page views in one day [and some of you follow it anonymously]) so don't be shy... go ahead an follow my blog!

There are a few other updates that I am working on, but I've done quite enough for one morning. I've got plenty of things to take care of today!


  1. I love it and I grabbed your button! :) Hey Ashley, how did you update your interface? I want to set mine up like this but I have NO idea how!

    1. It's not too difficult... sorry if this reply is a little long, I didn't know what information you needed and which you didn't. Hope it helps, and feel free to ask other questions:

      For the layout, I went to the "template" and then under the section titled "Simple" I selected the very last template. (It just looks plain white).
      You can then customize all the details by clicking "customize" back at the top of the template page.

      Customizing the blog is easy enough to figure out. For my setup, I chose the layout that has one sidebar on the right of the main body of the blog. I then adjusted the width of my blog to 1130 px (for the entire blog) and 230 for the sidebar under the "adjust widths" tab. All the other particulars were adjusted under the "advanced" tab.

      It looks like you already have a blog title banner, so you know how to take care of those things. If you want to add the "you may also like..." links at the bottom of your posts, then just click on the small grey "LinkWithin" link under the "you may also like" section and just follow the instructions.

      I dunno if you know how to put people's buttons on your sidebar, but just in case... to do it you just go to the "layout" section of your blog menu, press the "add gadget" button on the sidebar, and then choose the "html/javascript" option. Paste the html code for the person's button in the box that pops up and you should be good to go.

  2. totes publicly following along now :)
