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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A trip down to Salem

Doug and I decided to spend our Wednesday evening watching a movie.
In Salem.
In a random park.
What would prompt Doug and I to drive 30 minutes down to Salem to just to see a movie?
The movie was Rio. And we both like that movie, but have only seen it once.
So I spent the 30 minute car ride taking weird pictures and singing along to Call Me Maybe.

On the open road! With my frizzy bangs!
 This makes my nostrils look like different sizes... but they're not! I swear!
 The hubs
 The park
 All ready to go!

And then we did not even stay very long. Lots of bugs, too many people talking, not a good view... so we're just gonna rent the movie or something and watch it in the comfort of our home.

Cute story: This was one of the first movies Doug and I watched together.
It was about a week after I officially met him. We were at a get-together activity thingy, and they showed Rio as an outdoor movie. Doug was sitting at the back of the crowd by himself (loner!!!!) so I had him come sit next to me. Cute. Just plain cute. Awww, that seemed like just yesterday...

In the end, we just got frosty's at Wendy's. Yum.

Tons of driving, not much of a movie, chocolate soft serve, and hubby bonding time... pretty much sums it up!


  1. Hi! I saw you on the link up! Love your blog!
    Hope you had a good day! Stop by and say hi :)

  2. This post is so great! Perfect for the link-up. Thanks and I'm glad you and Doug had fun!

  3. Movie in the park? That sounds like a lot of fun! Too bad all the "Chatty Cathy's" ruined it for you :(...and bugs suck big time.
    Thanks for the link up!

  4. Hi! Thanks for the follow! I am following back, and will definitely be creeping your blog today when I have some free time :) Love what I've seen so far though!

  5. HA! Sometimes the more spontaneous, the more fun! And if that means more ice cream, it's definitely a good night! Glad you guys had fun!

  6. Hey girl! Thanks SO much for visiting me today! New follower of yours, of course! Stop by anytime if you'd like any ad space to show off your blog! :) What a great date night idea you guys had, I WOULD love for the hubs & I to do something like that!

    xoxo ♥ Shar

  7. Such a fun date! Totally something me and my hubby would do to. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Great to find your blog too...I'm following and look forward to seeing your next post!


  8. Hi Ashley ~~~ My whole family enjoys the movie Rio too. Thanks for visiting my blog and for following me, I am following you too.

    God Bless You Ashley

    Pearl 13.1

  9. So fun!! Outdoor movies are great! I wanna go to Salem so bad for the history/stories :) Thanks for popping by my blog! So happy to have you as a follower! I'm your newest follower too! yay!

  10. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!
