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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Giveaway Winners

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who got involved in my giveaway! It was pretty successful, considering it was my very first one!
And now... here are the names that Rafflecopter gave me!

Candle From Calico Creations: Meghan
$10 Target Gift Card: Mia
$15 Starbucks Gift Card: Steph
2 Essie Nail Polishes: Abbey
Large Ad Space and $5 Starbucks Gift Card: Niki

These girls are all awesome, so don't hesitate to drop by their blogs. I'm following every single one of them! Thank you to everyone who entered! I'll do another giveaway again sometime :)

On another note... Once Upon A Time (Season 2) premieres in just ten minutes!!!!!
Just saying!

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  1. darn! I wish I found you sooner! lol great blog! By the way, I'm following you courtesy of the bloghop! I hope you'll visit my blog and follow me too! :o)

  2. Thanks so much for hosting such a great giveaway!! :) Can't wait to get my Target card, woohoo! :)
