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Friday, October 12, 2012

Camera-less on a Rainy Fall Day

So get this.
I had my camera in my bag this morning.
Then I thought... "Meh, I don't need this. I'm just going to Ballroom and rehearsal for my directing project. I'm not going to need my camera today."

So I took it out.

A blogger should know better by now, right?!

After Ballroom and before rehearsal, I took care of a few small errands. I found myself on the south side of campus. I still had a good 35 minutes until rehearsal started.

So... I decided to go on a walk. Fall + rainy day + a beautiful campus = great day for a walk.

Here's the part where I kicked myself.

I decided to walk along the South Campus River Trail.
And it looks so pretty right now, since the trees are starting to turn colors.
AND it was rainy today...

So, legit camera or not, I just had to take pictures.

Please don't judge my poor phone's camera too harshly :)

There are at least 5 different waterfalls along the trail. So pretty!

And look! A bench! If only there were more leaves...
It's just like my post from Monday!

This is just one of the reasons why I love BYU.
The campus is beautiful, especially on rainy fall days.

Side note... it's Homecoming Week! Doug and I are going to see the Homecoming Spectacular tonight! So excited to see the new Vocal Point group perform! And to see the music video that I'm in that we filmed back in July :)
It's game day tomorrow... go Cougars!

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  1. Wow it's so gorgeous there :) Those are good pictures even though you didn't have your camera.. I'm impressed! Have a great weekend!

  2. Aww the pictures r gorgeous. Haha ever since i started blogging i hav3 been taking more photos too. Im folowing u from the bloghop. Hope u visit/follow me back at im having a giveaway too :)

  3. Love that walkway! I used to take the long route to my classes so I could walk on that pathway for a little while longer. And I bet it was gorgeous in the rain today!

  4. Ah, I knew this path from the first picture! They made that trail so pretty! I miss BYU.

  5. I've been there...just last weekend. My "real" camera battery was not charged... so I used my camera phone. Your photos turned out really nicely!

  6. Even without a fancy camera these pictures turned out great! BYU really is gorgeous!

  7. Beautiful! My university wasn't even half as pretty.

  8. What a beautiful walk!

    Thanks for linking up with Super Sunday Sync! Hope to see you next week, too :)

  9. That is a pretty campus you have there! And you can totally tell, phone camera or not!

  10. Found you through the blog hop. Am following now. Great pictures - even with a phone! :) X

  11. Those were taken on your camera??? My "good" camera doesn't even take pictures that beautiful! Love the last one with the bench. It really evokes a lonely kind of emotion. Beautiful.
    Stopping by from SSS.

  12. These pictures are so gorgeous! I've caught myself a few times this past week wishing I had my camera with me! I should definitely know better by now! :)

  13. Smart of you to take the camera! Everything looks lovely.

  14. hi there! I saw your blog on GFC blog hop and I'm now following you! I hope you follow my blogs as well... cheers!

  15. Wow the pictures are still beautiful even with your phone! My son broke my camera and I am waiting for the replacement in the mail, until then I am stuck using my not so wonderful camera on my phone :) Stopping over from the GFC Blog Hop. Have a great week!!

    Mama Of Many Blessings

  16. This is your college campus??! It looks like a wedding venue! Beautiful!
    I started following you from the GFC bloghop at The Life Of A Not So Ordinary Wife. Would love you to follow back

  17. These are gorgeous!! I hate when I don't have my camera!! Found you from the GFC blog hop!! Follow me back?

  18. what gorgeous photos!! I can't imagine what they'd look like with your other camera!

  19. Still such a beautiful place! :)
