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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes, I wonder...

This week, I am spending all of my evenings (except Sunday) at Springville High School. I am helping out with some of the technical aspects of their production of "Hello, Dolly!" and I've been learning some new things... including just how stressful it is to be a theatre teacher at a high school.

Sometimes, I stop and wonder, "What am I getting myself in to?!"

In addition to teaching 5-7 classes, theatre teachers also have to put together productions. And that is NOT a light, easy task.

I'm experiencing that right now. Or rather... I'm seeing the Springville teacher(s) flip out because of how much work there is to do, and opening night is on Friday.

And yet... I keep at it.
Because I love theatre so stinkin' much, and I want to make a difference in the lives of my students. And that is worth every hour of sleep-deprivation I get.

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1 comment:

  1. I dabbled in theatre in high school and then minored in it in college (with a major in accounting - total opposites!). I loved the technical aspects of the shows.

    New follower
    Jill @ And Life Goes On
