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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Must... survive... finals!

You know... I'm really tired of school. No joke. At least, tired of this semester.
This is basically the theme of my life right now:

Five big projects due this week. 4 finals and a classroom management handbook to do the week after. I've been beyond stressed. Just ask my husband... he'll tell you, he's seen me flipping out. If I don't post much this week, you'll know why.

But... I will survive!!!

The hubs and I went to Riverwoods last night, and I knew it would be all lit up and pretty. And I knew that I would regret not taking my camera. But I left it at home anyways. That way, I could just walk around and look at the lights and go in stores without having to worry about taking pictures. Take that, blog!

I also need to go buy some cookie cutters. And a dough roller. My mom's amazing sugar cookie recipe is calling my name, and I don't have the cutters or rollers! I suppose circle-shaped cookies taste just as good as Christmas Tree-shaped cookies.........

Meanwhile... don't forget about this GIVEAWAY on The Framed Lady! I'm giving away 2 months of medium ad space to whoever wins!

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  1. good luck with finals. I have my last week of classes and then finals the follow. I know you will do great :)

  2. Same here! My daughter is going through a moody phase and likes to either climb on me, or throw things on me while I'm attempting to cram for my finals. Not to mention I've been picking up more hours at work. Talk about sleep deprivation. I so feel your pain...

  3. Good luck lady!!
    Found you through the hop and am your newest follower! ;-)

  4. Been in bed all week with something... Maybe it's pneumonia, ear infection, pertussis, maybe bronchitis... Havnt taken a shower since Friday. Eaten a maximum of ten chips this weekend. Still choose this over finals....


  5. Good luck with finals!'ve been tagged! Come check it out on my blog :)


  6. You can so do it. You've got this!

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.

