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Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Day BYU Became a Giant Ice Rink

My college campus turned into a death trap today.
Winter in Provo is rather cold, so I have seen nothing but snow for the past month. However, today it was raining instead of snowing.

Normally, this would be a sign of warmer weather, but I think that Mother Nature just wanted to have a good laugh. You see... even though it was raining, it was still very cold outside... so the water froze on the sidewalk!

BYU became a giant ice rink.

Fortunately, I did not fall at all. I had some close calls though, and I saw plenty of other people who weren't as lucky as me and landed flat on their rumps. Everyone was shuffling across campus at a very slow rate, and we all looked like a bunch of penguins! It was a pretty funny sight to see.

The best part? BYU is built on a hill, so there are some areas on the northern-most and southern-most ends of campus where you have to walk uphill/downhill to reach the school. I feel sorry for the poor people who have to climb up steep paths with the ice. Slipping backwards? Not fun.

Going downhill looks a bit better though! Check out this video :)

And you can watch a first-person video of a guy going down this same ramp here.

Basically... some people loved being able to slide around everywhere, and other people hated falling on their rumps over and over again. It was still raining lightly when I came home tonight at 7, so we'll see if the ice is even worse in the morning.

While I go and prepare myself for an icy day tomorrow, why don't you say hello to the lovely ladies who have been sitting on my sidebar this month. Check out their blogs while you're at it, okay? Thanks.

Jen Foley

Jen Foley photo JenFoley_zps6a991cc4.jpg

I'm Jen!  Chef, Business Owner, Wife, and Wine-o.  Professionally, I'm a personal chef and caterer.  It's safe to say food is in my top 5 greatest loves, after my amazing husband, my wonderful family and friends, and my puppy, Bella.  My blog covers all of these topics and more.  Come visit!



 I am retired from Law Enforcement and I share my retirement adventures which include travel, recipes and crafts.   I host two blog hops each week: Freedom Fridays Blog Hop (recipes, DIY, crafts and other projects) and Let's Get Social Sunday (social networks blog hop).
I started blogging to create a forum to share my travels with my family. Then my blog just took a life of it's own and grew into a new road of adventure, making new friends and learning ever so much along the way.  I just hang on and enjoy this awesome ride!

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