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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goodbye GFC, Hello... Italian Pizza?

Hello Italian pizza, indeed! I love Terra Mia. A little piece of Italy in the middle of Provo.

Next time I go there, I am getting gelato. I've decided already.

On another note...

For those of you who have not heard, Google Reader is on it's way out in less than 2 weeks. In other words, you will no longer be able follow the blogs you love via RSS Feed or GFC (Google Friends Connect). So, the 380 pretty little faces on the side of my blog will disappear. All my followers will be lost, and yours will too.

There IS a way to remedy this, though! Follow the blogs on Bloglovin! It's very simple, really... click on the Bloglovin' button on the top of my page (or another blog you want to follow... it's usually represented by a heart or an upper-case B) and after clicking the heart, click "Follow".

If you don't have a Bloglovin' account yet, hurry up and create one and then link your blog to your account. All of your new posts will show up on your Bloglovin' account, and anyone following you on Bloglovin' will be able to see them.

Goodbye, GFC. It was nice knowing ya.


  1. Sorry you don't get to see my name on the side, but I am following your blog!! I love reading it. I simply have your webpage saved and watch for your posts on FB. (I know, old school :P)
