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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cupcakes & A Preggo Lady

Before you ask, no I'm not the preggo lady.

But as for my former roommate... she sure is! Her baby girl is due in August, and we're all so excited to see her! In the meantime, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take the mama-to-be out on a birthday cupcake outing. Because what preggo lady doesn't like cupcakes?

I may or may not awkwardly rub Donnie's belly each time I see her.
What can I say? It's become a tradition.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying a couple days of no-school before summer term starts up. No rest for the wicked! I'm like the Energizer Bunny, I just keep going and going...


  1. Congrats to Donnie! I'm glad you guys are still friends. Thanks for coming to visit my blog the other day. How is your summer going??

    1. It's going really well, although it's been extremely busy! I've worked on 3 different theatre productions in the past 2 months alone, so my evenings are basically eaten by theatre and I have no social life. But it's okay, at least I enjoy theatre! :)

  2. cocoa bean cupcakes are my favorite! i love the german chocolate and the better than whatever ones!

  3. Hey I'm pretty certain I loved cupcakes, then and now. Who doesn't. :) What a great friend you are! Anyway, I'm stopping by from the Thumping Thursday Blog Hop and followed on BlogLovin. I'd love if you checked my blog out when you get a chance. Have a great weekend!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands
