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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Spring already??? Naaaw...

The only possible explanation is that Provo and Mother Nature are working together to play a trick on me. That's why it's been raining the past couple days instead of snowing. I mean, I'm not complaining, but I can only assume that winter is going to bite back with a vengeance. And it will probably be on Valentine's Day when my ballroom team has to travel to do a show somewhere (yes, we have a show on the 14th. *sigh...)

For now though, I'll just take what dear Mother Nature is offering me.

And, on top of that, I've survived the semester so far without any "senioritis" kicking in! So far. I can't promise that will last. 74 days from now, I'll be a college graduate! Not that I'm counting, of course.

Meanwhile, I've agreed to be the stage manager for yet another production (will I ever give myself a break?), all of our performances for Little Women are completely sold out and we're less than two weeks away from performances, and Doug & I had a fun, fancy time at the annual married student Y-Ball this weekend. It wasn't as fancy as last year, but we still enjoyed ourselves. Anything for the chance to dress up, right?

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