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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rain and Funny Moments


Rain yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

It's a weather forecast I can certainly live with! (Dear smoke-and-ash-covered hometown of mine, I will try to send some more rain your way! Goodness knows you guys need it.)

My fall decorations are all out, I couldn't help it! And, as you can see, a certain little baby girl has been enjoying the change in weather. She'll just sit and watch the rain. That is... as long as she's safe under a roof. The moment we step out into the rain she scrunches up her face, haunches her shoulders, and whines.

She doesn't want her hair to get frizzy, obviously ;)

A funny moment I wanted to write down: we were eating dinner last night and Doug was talking about how we are not the best example of manners at home for Nicole. He mentioned how the baby would think it's okay to burp at the table... and right after he said it, Nicole let out a dainty little burp. It was the most hilarious thing, the timing was absolutely perfect.

Moments like that make this whole motherhood gig worthwhile. Man, that girl cracks me up.


  1. I love how you said a dainty little burp, you know I don't have those at my house!!! Lol 😀 Enjoy every second of it!!

    1. I think it would be impossible for any boy to let out a "dainty" burp! Haha, I can just imagine all your boys :)

  2. I love how you said a dainty little burp, you know I don't have those at my house!!! Lol 😀 Enjoy every second of it!!
