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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Is it just me, or is April always super busy?!

If we're going to be honest, April has always been a busy month for me. Between my birthday and Easter (usually), it was also the prime time to prepare for AP tests in high school and finals while I went to BYU. April of last year (2015) was probably the least busy April I've had in a long time since I was done with school and just had birthdays, Easter, and a baby to worry about.

This year? Busy. Super busy.

Firstly, Douglas graduated from BYU with his Masters degree in Information Systems Management! This meant that we had family in town, which meant that we had plenty of things to keep us busy all week, from lots of eating together to hiking the Y (but only partially because... 2 toddlers and a pre-schooler. Enough said.) to playing at kids gyms and taking walks up in Provo Canyon.

On top of that, we got a house. Thus, April was full of packing, and driving back and forth from apartment to house, and inspections, and appliance/tool shopping, and cleaning... so tiring.

Add Easter to that, as well my first prenatal visit, hosting my brother at our apartment for several days right before our big moving day, and having 5 birthdays (including mine) to celebrate among Doug's immediate family members alone... and it was a crazy month. There were occasional tears and lots of ice cream breaks and here we finally are at the end of the month!

We survived.

I'll have plenty of things to blog about in the next month, some obvious ones being this second pregnancy and about some of the ups and downs of home ownership. I'm also excited to get back to working on my photography (my camera's been put on the back burner for the past month or two) and picking my Trim Healthy Mama recipes back up again (I still need to post about that!)

So... here's to getting through this busy month! I love April, but goodness it's always kind of crazy!

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