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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Austin // 9 Months

My baby boy has reached the "9 Months In, 9 Months Out" milestone! It seems like a lifetime ago that I got pregnant with him. Goodness.

Austin is on the move at last! A couple of weeks ago he started pulling himself across the ground with his arms, using his toes to help push. He rocks on his knees a lot but has not officially started crawling on hands and knees yet. Scooting/army crawling is all it takes, though. Nicole has become hyper-vigilant about removing any and all toys from his reach, including his own toys. He loves paper products, balls, and makes every attempt to get his hands on my phone. The phone is a coveted prize.

If I place him standing against the couch so he can hold onto the edge of it, he can balance for a short while without me holding him. No cruising along furniture yet, but he does take steps if I stand behind him and hold both of his hands over his head.

Sometimes, Austin eats more food than Nicole! It amuses me that a little baby can out-eat a toddler 3x his age. He loves berries of any variety, pizza, peas, corn, yogurt, oatmeal, pulled pork, hot dogs, pancakes, cheese sandwiches/quesadillas, food pouches of any flavor, and especially watermelon! I love handing him his own huge slice of homemade pizza and watching him demolish it. He turns his nose up at bananas and black beans, though.

He loves: being outside, playing in water, listening to me play the piano (he has favorite songs and gets excited when he hears me start to play them), eating, and playing peek-a-boo with his sister. My heart melts when I see them playing together and she's making him belly-laugh.

He dislikes: Nicole pushing toys out of his reach, and waiting for food. Make him wait for food and he will unleash several of his ear-shattering shrieks until food is in his mouth. I think to myself on a daily basis that I need to buy ear plugs for when I'm preparing meals because Austin turns into a banshee (and Nicole turns into a hangry puddle on the floor) and my blood pressure goes through the roof. Goodness, he's loud!!!

He's added another tooth to the mix (7 total now), sleeps 11 hours straight at night, makes a beeline for Daddy when he gets home from work (so precious!), and he sits so patiently when I clip his nails. You can find him sleeping in every position imaginable, but most often on his tummy. He nurses 4x a day and takes two 1-2 hour naps. You can tell he loves us all, and we love him! He's my smiley little ball of baby chub! Happy 3/4 of a year, Austin!

^^^Eating a leaf, of course... ;)

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