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Friday, July 7, 2017

Independance Day 2017

Utah Valley is aaaaall about patriotism. There are festivities going on the whole week leading up to the 4th. This year we didn't take advantage of too many activities, but our 4th was still enjoyable! We watched the parade in the morning (Nicole loved the horses) and spent time with Doug's family all afternoon. We attended a block party for dinner, then went straight home to put Austin to bed. He slept soundly (hallelujah, white noise machines) while we watched our neighbors light up tons of fireworks. Nicole loved the aerial rockets, and she was entranced by the sparklers we got for her. One of the only pictures I took all day was this gem from my phone:

I love her little lips puckered in awe. And yep, I've been terrible at pictures lately.

I've been trying to be less attached to technology. I uninstalled facebook from my phone nearly 2 weeks ago (magical!), I have traded more books for less Netflix (also magical!), Doug and I only watch one episode of our current shows in the evenings... it makes a difference!

Anyways. I'm not a huge fan of hot weather, but the month of July is my jam. I'm not sick of summer yet, and the whole month feels festive (thanks to Pioneer Day here in Utah). The only downside to summer this year = I haven't had a single piece of corn-on-the-cob. What's up with that?!?! That's something to fix next time I get groceries!

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