^^^Patient big sister :)

This little man is becoming quite mobile! He is capable of hands-and-knees crawling, but prefers to army crawl wherever he goes--and he's getting fast!
He can pull himself up to standing on various items, and particularly loves to crawl over to the bathtub, stand up, and give a vibrant, loud, fist-shaking lecture to all the bath toys. Oh man, he loves baths. He loves climbing all over me too.
Two other top favorite things to pull up on: a box of rice milk from Costco that we just never put away because it's the perfect height for him to climb on; and the bottom stair of our two main staircases. Occasionally he'll try to actually climb the stairs (with varying degrees of success) but usually he just hangs out propped up on the bottom step. He can lower himself back down to the ground successfully, too.
He likes chewing on shoelaces and sandal straps.
He doesn't cruise along furniture and whatnot yet, but he walks fairly efficiently if we hold his hands above his head and help him.
His favorite song is "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and he will start rocking back and forth if you sing it to him. I also get big smiles and shrieks from him if I start playing "Waterfall" by John Schmidt on the piano.
Just like Nicole, Austin loves chilling in the stroller while we go on looooong walks outside. Hour in the stroller? No problemo! He's also a very chill car traveler. You wouldn't even know he's there, he's so quiet.
He enjoys being tossed in the air, going on the "zip line swing" at the park with me, and swinging in the normal baby swings.
He finds great joy in knocking over the towers Nicole makes out of his baby blocks (which frustrates her if she hasn't finished stacking ALL the blocks before he knocks them over).
He has the most delicious little belly-laugh, and I never get tired of it.
His 8th tooth cut a few days after he turned 9 months. So many chompers!
When he wants a certain food, he will reach both arms out towards it while going, "Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmm!"
He still hands out smiles freely to anyone and everyone, and only rarely seems upset around strangers (most of those rare instances occur if he's barely gotten up from a nap). You only have to make eye contact with him and he'll flash you a big cheeser. We got 3 separate comments on his smiley, friendly nature within a 20 minute period while we were in a store today. Such a flirt, I love it.
He has an independent streak and will sometimes crawl off into the playroom and play with toys by himself without so much as a glance back at me. I feel like Nicole had a phase where she would shriek if I left her sight for even a moment, but Austin only occasionally does that.
He's still an early riser, as he has been all summer (we're talking 6:15 AM on average) but makes up for it by being an excellent little sleeper. A poor on-the-go napper, it's true, but excellent at home.
It looks like he'll have the same strawberry-blonde hair color as his sister! They've been mistaken as twins 3 different times this summer, all 3 of those times while I was out jogging with them in the stroller. Despite the clear size differences, ya know. But they do look similar. Cuties.
2 months until his first birthday?!?!?! Break my heart, where does time disappear to?!
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