Hello, hello! Happy August!
I just wanted to pop in to inform you dear readers that I'm going to be discontinuing my custom domain blog URL in a week or two. Since I stopped actively growing my blog a couple years ago, it's not worth it to me to continue maintaining my own .com address, so I'll be returning to my old blogspot URL (ashley-kristine.blogspot.com).
This shouldn't affect those of you who access my blog through facebook or bloglovin or other social media (I'll be sure to update any links) but if you have my page bookmarked, or type in the URL manually, or reach my blog through some other method that might be affected by this change, this heads-up is for you. I'm not going to be forwarding traffic from my Practically Imperfect URL to my blogspot URL so attempting to go to practicallyimperfectblog.com will result in a dead end.
Thanks for your patience as I make the switch, friends! I will continue blogging a couple times a month as per usual. For now. I'll probably do some blog re-branding soon as well, to transition fully to being a simple, personal blog. #simplify
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