This happy little chunk is cruising and crawling everywhere! He tentatively walks while pushing around his baby walker, or Nicole's metal shopping cart. He shimmies up vertical surfaces, climbs all over me (always), and can go up and down stairs (feet first, on his tummy). Sometimes he climbs up the stairs just so that he can scoot back down them and climb back up.
He is fascinated with putting objects in containers and taking them back out again. Doing this can entertain him for a solid 20 minutes, I'm not even joking. He also enjoys trying to stack things, especially blocks.
Several times a day, you can find him in the front room standing at the window and looking out at the neighborhood. He loves looking outside. And being outside. And chewing on the ends of long weeds. This kid is one with nature. Hence, eating the leaf in this picture. Ha. Ha.

Swings make him giggle.
Austin has recently started growling at people. His daddy and sister taught him that trick.
He'll eat everything except scrambled eggs.
Flirting is his specialty, and he is non-discriminatory with his smiles and cheesy faces.
He rips off his bib and chucks it on the ground when he's done with his meal.
He loves his sister. He follows her around, wants to play with what she plays with, and laughs when she's being silly. The two of them love to play in/around the bathtub together. It's their "thing". They speed off to the bathroom together, giggling all the way, and then Austin hoists himself up on the tub while Nicole climbs inside it and they have a party messing with the shower curtain. I've had to lift the curtain up out of their reach because they got a little too exuberant.
He's finally looking at books instead of eating them.
He "sings" along to familiar songs and it's adorable.
He can say dada/dad and mama/mum... and he means it! He'll look straight at Doug and shriek "Dad!" or crawl towards me when he's sad, crying "Mama!" and I looooooove it.
He's not shrieking as much as he used to, which is nice (but now Nicole screams a LOT and I think I preferred Austin's shrieks hahaha).
He gets super excited when we start walking somewhere outside and he realizes we're going to carry him instead of sticking him in the stroller. Like... he starts squealing and kicking his legs and grinning like a madman. He enjoys the stroller, but I imagine it's fun to get a change of view and be carried by mom or dad!
He does this adorable little nose scrunch when he's being cheesy. Ah man, he's a cutie pie.
I love love love love this baby boy! You guys. He'll turn one in a month. Waaaaaaaah....

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