^^^Still image from a video... hence, the blurriness :D

Nicole had a blast at Cornbelly's this year. Her favorite part was going through the corn maze, hands down! We did the shorter version of the full maze and let Nicole (mostly) lead us through it... and she LOVED it. Such a little wanderer. We also did the kid maze, which she found her own way through in less than 10 minutes. Austin just chilled up on Doug's shoulders most of the time. So cute.
Other favorites for Nicole included the giant slide (pictured above) and Cornbelly mountain, which is a big platform with 4 different slides going off it. Basically, she loves slides. She also was surprisingly excited about the ropes course and bravely walked along all the wiggly bridges and thin platforms. She drew the line at walking through The Creature with me, though. The attraction isn't haunted during the day (which means you can walk through it without having to pay the extra $$) but it's still dark and noisy, not to mention it's probably unsettling to see your mom walk into the mouth of a giant, inflated monster. Haha! Someday she'll go through scary attractions with me!
She also couldn't keep her hands off all the pumpkins because, as I've mentioned before, she's obsessed with pumpkins these days. We ended the evening with apple cider & pumpkin spice donuts, and neither of the kids had a past-bedtime meltdown, so I'd call the whole thing a success.
Now pardon me while I go obsess over all the leaves changing colors in our neighborhood. (Yay!!!! I looooove fall!!!!)
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