Me, showing her a jacket at Target: "Look, Nicole, how about this one?" N: "No, I don't wike [like] it." Me: "But look, it has gold sparkles on it. It matches your shoes!" N, immediately changing her mind: "Ooooh, I wike it!!!!!" (For reference, her gold shoes are her favorite. In other words, anything that matches her shoes = immediate approval.)
She saw a picture of a pile of buttons and, while hoisting up her shirt, exclaimed, "It's a button! I have a button on my bewey [belly]!" and then proceeded to jam her finger in her belly button.
When I saw that she got straight into her car seat instead of messing around in the car, I said: "Thank you for getting into your seat, Nicole!" and she responded, "It makes Mom soooooo happy!"
To the checkout lady at Target about the bubble bath we were buying: "I getting bubbows! Yeah, I gonna take a bath in two days."
We were at Costco and I couldn't find the almond milk I usually buy. Me: "Oh no, Mommy can't find the milk she likes. It looks like it's all gone." to which Nicole consolingly responded, "It's okay, Mommy, you HAVE mawk [milk]! Right here in your chest!" then proceeded to reach out and pat my chest in the middle of Costco. Bahahahaha! She loves talking about "mommy milk" and feeding her baby doll when I feed Austin.
Any time she's about to get into something, I say "Nicoooole....." in a warning voice, and she immediately responds with, "I just wooking [looking], Mom. I not going to touch it, I just wooking!"
Any time she helps me with a task or chore, she announces, "I a big hehper [helper] tiger!" (Thank you, Daniel Tiger.)
She woke up one morning, peeked into our room to see us still in bed, and shut the door to let us keep sleeping. (So thoughtful.) Doug went to get her and brought her onto our bed to hold her. She was silent for a few seconds, and then out of nowhere she announced, "I have bwoo [blue] eyes." Not a funny thing to say, so much as the circumstance and randomness of the proclamation was funny.
Any time we run out of ANY type of food, she proclaims, "We have to buy some more at Costco!"

We love her! She says a lot of things that make me chuckle, but I'm awful at remembering them all. I should be more diligent at writing them down. She says such smart/wise things, too. Ahhh, she's so cute.
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