The nights are long, but the years are short.

Autumn decided that having a blow-out in her car seat while we were running errands this morning would be a good way to celebrate her one-month anniversary. Keeping me on my toes!!! Haha.
A few tidbits about Autumn at 1 month old:
- She has the faintest red birthmark across her left eyelid.
- Her eye color is anyone's guess right now, but my money's on blue.
- She hasn't had a single bath since her first bath at the hospital. Instead, I bring her in the shower with me; she really enjoys it. She's quiet and alert the whole time she's in there.
- She absolutely refuses to accept a pacifier.
- She has definitely passed the 8 lb mark, but I'm not sure of her exact current weight. She's still in newborn clothes and diapers, although she can fit into 3 month clothes that run on the small side.
- She has started giving out "social" smiles. The first one she gave me was the day before she turned 3 weeks old, and she's given me a smile almost every day since then. (Multiple smiles a day, the past couple days!) She locks eyes with me, furrows her brow like she's concentrating very hard, and then her eyes just light up as her mouth opens in the sweetest gummy grin. Aaaaah, I love it!

^^^^^I caught a smile on camera yesterday, as well as the end of a smile over the weekend while Nicole was holding her. So sweet!!!!
- Her longest stretches of sleep thus far (besides her super long post-birth nap in the hospital) have been 4.5 hours. She's done that several nights in a row now, so I hope longer 5+ hour stretches aren't far off!
- Naps can last up to 3 hours if she's being held, worn in the baby wrap, or in her car seat. She lasts 30 minutes tops if she's swaddled and lying down by herself. Needless to say, she gets held/"worn" a LOT during these early days!
- She's more likely to stop eating when she's full, compared to my first two kids, so she doesn't spit up as much as Austin, and DEFINITELY not as much as Nicole. Nicole was a spit up fountain, I kid you not.
- She doesn't mind tummy time, as long as she's well-fed and not tired.
- Current nicknames include: Tums, sweetheart, snuggle bug, baby girl, Tummers, stinker, sweetie pie, squeaky/squeaker/squeaks, and Tum-Tum.
We looooove her!!!!!!

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