She's so cuuuuute! Also, I just HAD to dress her in the exact same outfit that Nicole wore during her 2 month pictures (which you can see here) and use the same quilt for the background. Twinners!
Autumn at 2 months old:
- I give her baths in the bathroom sink, and she loves it. She won't fit in there much longer, though!
- Prevailing nicknames: sweet pea, munchkin, sweetie pie, bebe.
- STILL stubbornly refuses to accept pacifiers. Dang, I wanted to avoid another finger-sucker...
- She no longer gets freaked out during diaper changes. She used to flail around (and scare herself) SO much for the first several weeks. Now she's really chill during diaper changes.
- She's really chill in general, actually.
- She's also SO smiley! I feel like we're close to getting some laughs out of her.
- She has started making brief "cooing" noises when she's cheesing at me. Yay, baby talk!
- She's really chill in general, actually.
- She's also SO smiley! I feel like we're close to getting some laughs out of her.
- She has started making brief "cooing" noises when she's cheesing at me. Yay, baby talk!
- The upper rim of her left ear was bent and squished when she was born. At 3 weeks old it was still pretty bent-looking, so I wasn't sure it would straighten out on it's own. Baby ears have to be re-shaped within the first 3-4 months of life or else the cartilage will harden into that bent shape permanently. I didn't want to pay big $$$ for a reshaping device from a plastic surgeon, so..... I started using my fingers to roll/stretch the ear into it's proper shape whenever I was feeding her, and would make sure it was stretched out any time the left side of her face was pressed against my chest or arm when she was sleeping so pressure/gravity would work in my favor to hold her ear in a proper shape. By the time she hit 6 weeks or so, her ear wasn't bent-looking anymore!
Here's what her ear looked like before I re-shaped it:
Here's what her ear looked like before I re-shaped it:

- I won't get her official weight until her doctors appointment on Monday, but according to our scale here at home she is about 11 lbs right now. This girl is packing on some pounds!
- She loves watching her siblings run around. They can usually get some smiles out of her, especially Nicole.
- Her bedtime is around 8:00, and her first stretch of sleep is usually 6-7 hours!!! Based on that alone, she's my best sleeper so far!
- I always sing "Why Georgia" by John Mayer to her for nap/bed time. It soothes her for some reason, so I'm just going with it!
- I still wear her in the Moby wrap a LOT. She loves it. It's so cute to see her little head poking out and looking around, and I've gotten multiple comments from strangers about how cute her little feet are when I leave them poking out of the wrap at the bottom.
- She's getting better and better about holding her head up and steady!
- She's not the biggest fan of tummy time, but can get her head pretty high off the ground for short bursts. She can even flip over from tummy to back if she gets her head high enough and leans to the side, although the rolling isn't intentional yet.
^^^Big sister loves helping with tummy time!
I could stare at her all day. And I do. She's beautiful.

I could stare at her all day. And I do. She's beautiful.
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