With one quarter of a year under her belt, Autumn is no longer a newborn. We've got a full-blown baby over here! She's getting chubbier, with dimples on her cheeks and the cutest "screw-on wrists" (as I like to call them). She's a sweet baby angel, and we're all obsessed.

^^^I LOVE her cute little monkey feet in this picture! Also, please note that if I put her in a dress or skirt, she will not leave it alone; she'll grab it constantly and try to "eat" it.
A bit more about Autumn at 3 months:
- She still loves being swaddled, although she often wiggles one fist out so she can suck on it.
- She coos and makes "aaaah" sounds now, so I can have little "conversations" with her.
- She does the same finger-sucking method as Austin! The middle two fingers in her mouth with the pinky, pointer, and thumb sticking out in an "I love you" sign. She uses her right hand, though, while Austin always used his left.
- I offered Autumn a different brand of pacifier, and she's accepting of it, but only for short increments of time. Progress? Haha
- She's a tummy time pro, and can roll tummy to back.

^^^Right after rolling over

- She's got a long tuft of hair towards the back of the top of her head that sticks up Alfalfa-style every now and then, and it's adorable.
- Her neck is strong enough to handle sitting in the Bumbo for short periods of time. She's not a huuuuuge fan of the Bumbo yet, though.
- She likes chilling outside in her baby swing (if the weather is nice enough for her to be in the shade without getting cold).
- I rarely wear her in the baby wrap anymore, but she still loves it when I do.
- She takes 3-4 naps per day, depending on how long they are.
- She's in that phase where she runs her free hand back and forth on me while she's nursing. Do all breastfed babies go through that phase? Because all 3 of my kids have done it starting around 2 1/2 months (it lasts for a month or so) and it's one of my favorite phases of nursing.
- She goes to bed around 7:00, and her first stretch of sleep is anywhere from 6-8 hours. Then she does another 3 hours after a nighttime snack. She wakes anywhere between 5:30-6:30, and that's when I bring her into my room so I can feed her lying down and we both fall asleep again until it's time to get up for the day.
- She's extra-smiley in the mornings right when she wakes up for the day. I just prop her up against my pillow and let her grin and coo at me; it's the BEST way to start the day!

- Two things that should happen any day:
1) She'll discover her hands. (she's already started using them to try to bat at toys and grab her skirts/blankets, so any day now she'll comprehend that she has full control of those weird things at the end of her arms! It's so amusing to watch babies stare at their hands in fascination.)
2) Laughing. She's given us a couple single-syllable laughs, which means that the belly laughs are close. I'm so excited for the belly laughs!
Only 3 months, and we already can't imagine life without her. So much love for this beautiful little one!!!

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