Another month down with this precious girl! This is the stage where babies start getting more interactive, and I love it!
Here are some tidbits about Autumn at 4 months:
- She has started laughing--and not just little one-syllable chuckles. Yay, baby laughs!
- She has made the fascinating discovery that she can control her hands.
- She has made the fascinating discovery that she can control her hands.
- I tried tossing her gently in the air this past week to see if she was ready to handle that yet. Nope. She got very scared!
- In addition to babbling, she has discovered how to shriek. Who knew such a tiny person could be so loud?!
- She is quick to smile when she's in a good mood.
- She has officially and completely rejected all pacifiers. Instead, you'll often find her with her middle, ring, and pinky fingers of her left hand in her mouth. Yep, all three at once!
- She can now roll from her back to her side, and gets VERY frustrated that she's not strong enough to roll all the way to her tummy yet.
- She can stay calm foreeeever if she's outside.
- We stuck her in the Bumbo and set her right up on the dinner table as we ate last night. She loved it! Honestly, this girl just likes being where the rest of us are, and feeling like part of the group.
- She loves to sleep! She usually has just one nursing session per night (sometimes 2) and even slept for nearly 13 hours straight two nights ago! She had her 4 month vaccinations earlier that day, though, so... tired baby!
- No more being swaddled at night! She slept with one arm unswaddled for most of the past month, and then less than a week ago we stopped swaddling all together. She seems to prefer the freedom now.
- Also related to her love for sleep: she insists on naps. Like, she gets mad at me if I don't put her down for a nap "on time" (which is after about 1 1/2 hours of awake time). She calms down the moment I put her in her sleep sack and get her white noise started.
- No more being swaddled at night! She slept with one arm unswaddled for most of the past month, and then less than a week ago we stopped swaddling all together. She seems to prefer the freedom now.
- Also related to her love for sleep: she insists on naps. Like, she gets mad at me if I don't put her down for a nap "on time" (which is after about 1 1/2 hours of awake time). She calms down the moment I put her in her sleep sack and get her white noise started.
- I'm used to having chunky babies... and this girl is weighing in at the 14th percentile. My tiny girl!! Stay little forever, you're so sweet! Despite being a smaller baby, she still has some delicious rolls on those legs and arms!

^^^Staring at those fascinating hands of hers!

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