I'm so obsessed with this little sweet pea! She's hit the "9 months in, 9 months out" milestone now, and that personality of hers is taking enormous strides. Babies just get better with age, ya know? Each new month brings such fun developments.
Autumn at 9 months:
- She dances now. She hears music and starts swaying back and forth... so adorable!
- I've decided that her eyes are dark gray. They change shades depending on her surroundings and mood. They look different every day!
- Almost every morning, she sneezes 4-5 times when I open her curtains/blinds and put her on the changing table. The fresh morning light tickles her nose!
- She's mobile! Well, sort of. She's not crawling yet, but she's discovered that she can roll to get where she wants to go. She'll roll all the way across the room, and then wiggle back and forth on her stomach until she inches forwards enough to reach what she's going for. It's hilarious.
- She has a whole banana daily. Her love for bananas rivals that of her older brother!
- Half of her fluid intake comes from formula now, if not more. I can tell that my milk supply is decreasing even more because of it, but her weight percentile is finally stable, so that's what matters! One thing is for sure... when it comes to breastfeeding, she does NOT like to work for her food.
- She loves to snatch the socks off her feet.
- As seen in the pictures below, she'll support weight on her feet well enough to stand for a bit, as long as she's able to lean against something for support. Standing is another thing she doesn't like to work for though, haha!

- She's very bouncy these days! She bounces like crazy when I lift her in the air. She bounces like crazy when I enter her room to get her out of her crib. She bounces like crazy when a dog or cat comes near her. So much to be excited about!
- She loves her big brother and sister! She loves to watch them play, and shrieks (with joy) a ton when she's interacting with them.
- Even though she's a bit more leery of strangers now, she's also quite the little flirt. If she's well-fed and well-rested (aka, in a good mood) she will give you the biggest smiles and scrunchy noses.
- One of her top front teeth cut through just a couple days ago, bringing her tooth count up to three. That other front tooth is getting close too! Hello, drool-induced rashes.
- She loves books! From having them read to her, to trying to turn the pages, to munching on them.
Love ya, baby cakes!!!

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