Half a decade with this goofy girl and her larger-than-life personality! We love her a lot, and our home is much livelier with her in it. Here are some fun facts about our favorite 5-year-old:
- I don't think she can make it a full hour without singing, unless she's watching a movie or sleeping. Like mother, like daughter? She even hums while she's eating! (It's a habit that Austin has picked up on too. Basically, our dinners are like mini concerts.)
- She can put a 100 piece puzzle together all by herself.
- It's so fun to watch her slowly learn how to read! Such a game changer for this bookworm. But meanwhile, she still loves to "read" books in her own words.
- I read "Little House in the Big Woods" to her and she loved it! "Little House on the Prairie" wasn't as interesting to her, though, so we'll have to try reading it again a bit down the road.
- We've been introducing some older movies to her, and she really likes "The Wizard of Oz" and "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".
- She loooves her baby sister!
- All I have to do is look at her and say, "Don't smile..." and she immediately covers her mouth so that I won't see her mouth twitching as she tries to keep a straight face.
- She's a scab-picker. Thus, she has some scars on her nose and cheek from where she kept picking scabs off and it took forever for the cut to heal.
- We've played countless games of Uno with her this year. She learned how to play back in January, and she's pretty good at it.
- She's definitely a night owl. All she's ever wanted to do in the mornings was sleep in as late as she could, no matter how early we put her to bed. Unless it's the weekend and she knows that Doug is home. Then she's up and out of bed very willingly. #DaddysGirl (But also because she knows it means she might get pancakes or waffles for breakfast...)
- She tells me she wants to learn how to play the piano and the flute.
- She's very good at riding her 3-wheel scooter, which she mastered back in late spring.
- She saw Frozen II last week, and claims it's her new favorite movie. I'll admit, there was a scene in the movie that had her laughing very loudly.
- Heaven help anyone who touches the toys she was playing with and messes them up. You're about to get an ear-full.
- She is often a willing helper, especially when I ask her to do something to help her little siblings.
- One year later, and she is STILL heavily obsessed with Breath of the Wild (a video game from the Legend of Zelda franchise). Since Nintendo doesn't really make kids toys for their games (and Amiibo are expensive) Nicole has taken her LOL dolls and renamed them to be characters from this video game. She turns pillows and tables into various locations from the game (Hyrule Castle, various Divine Beasts, etc) and has spent many an afternoon playing contentedly that way.
- I find it amusing that she insisted on cake for her birthday because she's actually not a huge cake person. But brownies, ice cream, and cookies? Yes, please!
- In the imagination category, she loves: solo-play where she can act out stories with her toys, making up new words to songs, and playing make-believe with her brother (usually consisting of running away from monsters, hunting down "bad guys" or playing house).
- She's been very interested in "art" this year, from watercolors, to pages and pages of crayon/marker/colored pencil drawings, to sticker art and painting.
- Her favorite workshop at preschool is cooking. She enjoys making food, and insists on making her own sandwiches and helping to make things she finds particularly appetizing (like cookies, or pancakes).
- She likes going to Target almost as much as I do! ;)
She's our energetic, sassy, fun-loving Nikki B! Oh, and she doesn't really like being called Nikki, but family members can get away with it, hehe. Love ya, Nicole.

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