She's precious. We love her. She has so much personality, it kills me. Let's see if I can properly convey the little human that Autumn is becoming... Oh man, she's hilarious.
Autumn at 10 months:
- She is firmly in the "army crawl" stage now. She also gets up on her hands and knees to rock.
- Her hatred of baths has reduced to a simmering dislike. Progress!
- She couldn't care less about the presents under our Christmas tree.
- She has an adorable habit of jutting her lower lip out and covering her upper lip with it. You can see it in the 4th picture above.
- She completely rejected nursing about 2 weeks ago. I would try to get her latched and she would shove me away. Soooo she drinks bottles now, and she refuses to hold her own bottle. She gets rather mad if we try to put it in her hand... and while we hold and feed her she keeps her arms extended straight out to the side, as if making sure we don't dare try to put that bottle in her hands again.
- If you blow a raspberry at her, she'll likely blow one back at you.
- She is fairly accepting of different foods, but she'll go for the bread products first, every time.
- She still enjoys periodically scrunching her nose up and breathing hard through it. Little scrunchie-faced munchkin!
- When we're at a store, she'll sit there in the cart and stare at strangers as we pass them. If they happen to make eye contact with her, she'll flash them a huge cheeser, and sometimes even reward them with lots of happy bounces and her famous scrunchie nose.
- She adores fruit & veggie melts. And yogurt melts.
- She adores fruit & veggie melts. And yogurt melts.
- She gets straight to the point at nap time. No messing around. I try to linger and sing a song to her, but she twists around in my arms, grunts, and reaches for her crib. I can just hear it now... "Mom, we both know what's going to happen here, so just cut to the chase and put me in the crib." At least she (mostly) humors us at bed time and allows a book, short song, and prayer.
- Her 4th tooth cut a few days ago!
- She has started "singing" along with our many family jam-out sessions. So cute!
- Her 4th tooth cut a few days ago!
- She has started "singing" along with our many family jam-out sessions. So cute!
- One nice thing about rejecting breastfeeding is that I didn't replace her night feeds with bottles, and she didn't complain about that, so... she's night-weaned now. Easiest night-weaning ever!
- She gets cuddly in the evenings sometimes, but mostly she wants to either be put down so she can explore, or carried around the house. No sitting still! (Except for when she's in that cuddly mood.)
- Despite the cheesy, happy persona she puts forward, she still gets stressed by new situations.
- She'll by-pass her baby toys and go straight for Nicole and Austin's stuff. Of course.
- We got our 6-foot-long play tunnel out today, and she loved army-crawling through it!
- She'll by-pass her baby toys and go straight for Nicole and Austin's stuff. Of course.
- We got our 6-foot-long play tunnel out today, and she loved army-crawling through it!
- - - - - - - - - -
She's cute! OH, and she likes to suck on the tile of the fireplace hearth. Behold:

Yum! Hahaha, she kills me!
Every day is an adventure with this little miss! Love ya, Tummers!

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