Only one month away from her first birthday, waaah! Ugh, she's absolutely perfect. I can't even handle it. Take a glimpse at 11-month-old Autumn:
- She likes baths now! Hooray!
- She climbs stairs for fun. Literally. She could spend half an hour going up the stairs in our house, with me or Doug taking her back down so she can climb them again.
- She's so happy! And has become quite vocal. Screeches, babbling, and all.
- Her total tooth count is 6 now, with another possible 2 on the way. She's drooling a lot, and it seems that no amount of Aquaphor or Vaseline can keep that drool from making her chin scaly and red. Dry Utah winter air doesn't help at ALL, of course.
- She got a small baby doll for Christmas and LOVES it.
- She also loves taking items out of containers, then putting them back in again.
- She's extremely proficient at army crawling, and while she IS capable of crawling on her hands and knees, she prefers the army crawl.
- She loves to stand on the pew in church and throw big cheesers at the people sitting in the rows behind us.
- No signs of walking yet. Not even cruising. Following in her brother's footsteps! She can pull herself up to a standing position, though... as long as the item she's pulling up on is low enough to get good leverage. No flat-wall-shimmying yet.
- She LOVES crawling through tunnels and hiding in play-tents/forts.
- If she gets her hands on a blanket, she WILL play peek-a-boo. It's an inevitable occurrence when there's a good blanket (or curtain, or play-tent flap) to hide behind.
- Still going strong with the scrunchie-nose, hard-breathing, ultra-cheese face. I really need to get a video of it before she stops doing it.
- I'm pretty sure that she can say "No" and actually mean it. There have been a couple instances in the past few days where we've said something to her, and she's responded with the cutest little "No!" (I think she knows how to purposely say "Dad" too, but I can't tell for certain.)
- She also says "Oh" a lot, usually when we offer her a toy or show her something interesting.
- Homegirl is obsessed with mandarin oranges.
- She consistently sleeps 12-13 hours at night. Usually with no wake-ups, but sometimes with one small wake-up right around the time I'm going to bed. I just snuggle her for a couple minutes, then put her back in her crib and I don't hear another peep out of her the rest of the night.
- She has the funniest sleep position... She basically folds in half like a pocket knife. She keeps her legs straight, and folds herself so that her feet are up by her head. She lies not quite on her stomach, so she's basically sleeping on top of her own legs. Does that make sense? She's quite flexible, I guess!
- If her siblings laugh, she laughs.
- She likes books, but won't stay still for too many at a time.
Love ya, baby cakes! I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday in a month, because I KNOW you're going to absolutely demolish your smash cake. I'm calling it now.

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