In any case... she's rocking the mouth-breathing, as well as the constant eczema around her mouth that never seems to go away. All the drool from teething doesn't help, of course. We're excited for spring so the air is less dry and this girl's face can finally heal!
- When the bathtub gets turned on, she drops what she's doing and books it up the stairs.
Well, let's talk about the birthday girl!
Autumn at 1 Year:
- Autumn has imprinted on a purple blanket with hearts on it. She LOVES that blanket! You can see it in the very first picture of this post.
- She has figured out how to scoot down staircases on her stomach. She still needs a bit of help at the top getting turned around to start coming down, but she's managed it with no help a couple times.
- She won't hold still for diaper changes anymore, unless I give her something to hold.
- To further elaborate on the topic of teething I mentioned earlier: another tooth cut in the past week, which brings the total up to 7. The 8th is working its way out right now. Poor baby... teething in addition to the cold. Sad!
- When the bathtub gets turned on, she drops what she's doing and books it up the stairs.
- Favorite foods include: beans of any kind, chili, pasta dishes, peanut butter toast, peaches, anything with basil pesto, pears, oranges, chicken enchiladas, sweet potatoes, and any desserts I'll let her get her mitts on.
- She has discovered how to unroll toilet paper, so now we keep all of the bathroom doors closed.
- She has finally added "Mama" to her vocabulary, although I usually only hear it when she wants me to pick her up. She gives a happy "Dad!" when Doug walks into the room, though. It's cute.
- Seeing Doug after he's been gone at work all day really makes her happy. She was grouchy yesterday from minimal napping and her stuffy nose, but she got so animated when Doug came come.
- She has finally added "Mama" to her vocabulary, although I usually only hear it when she wants me to pick her up. She gives a happy "Dad!" when Doug walks into the room, though. It's cute.
- Seeing Doug after he's been gone at work all day really makes her happy. She was grouchy yesterday from minimal napping and her stuffy nose, but she got so animated when Doug came come.
- Out of our three kids, Autumn is the one who looks the most like Doug.
- She's pretty skilled at getting into a standing position, but only just barely started cruising along furniture. She can toddle along fairly well if I'm holding onto both of her hands, though. Funny girl. I guess that she'll start walking sometime in March. She may surprise me, though!
- She has gotten past her "stranger danger" phase and is more ready and willing to let people other than me or Doug hold her now.
- She really likes being carried around up on Doug's shoulders.
- I always put a thick blanket across her lap in the car to help keep her warm (especially in the morning when we take Nicole to preschool... it's bitterly cold sometimes!) but she almost always chucks the blanket on the ground. Fine then, you strong-headed girl, be cold! Haha.
- She always pulls her shoes & socks off in the car too, for that matter.
- She loves to follow her siblings around (or try to, at least).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- She loves to follow her siblings around (or try to, at least).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And now, as is tradition, here's a line-up of pictures of my baby girl, from birth until now:


1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

1 Year!
We all love you SO much, Autumn! I'm excited to see the cute quirks you develop as a toddler. This phase of life (very interactive, but not in the "tantrum" stage yet) is so fun. Here's to an awesome second year!
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