We're just a couple weeks away from being done with the "fourth trimester" hallelujah. Early babyhood is exhausting and draining, and it just gets harder as you get older! Lydia is SO sweet, though! I love her oh so much.
Some tidbits about Lydia at 2 months:
- Rolled from tummy to back a few times!
- Discovered that her hands are tasty
- Loves being swaddled
- Slept for 10 hours straight a couple nights ago. She's had a couple other nights where she's gone 8-9 hours straight too, but most nights she does around 6 1/2 hours straight for the first stretch of the night.
- On the flip side, her weight gain is very poor, which we're assuming is because my milk supply is dropping. She's dropped more the 60-percentile down on the charts since her 2 week check-up. I'm going to see a lactation consultant in a couple days to see if it's a latch problem, or if it's just a matter of me not being able to maintain my supply no matter how much I nurse/pump. Stress levels might be a main factor.
- Because of the supply problems, it feels like she's nursing constantly when she's awake. It's exhausting!
- She also refuses to nurse from the right side 80% of the time, so I have to pump that side extra to prevent my supply from disappearing completely. Yep, pumping on top of all the nursing. Between that and my other kids' needs, plus grocery shopping, food prep, laundry, and necessary errands/appointments, I don't have time for much else. Survival mode over here.
- We've been working on moving bedtime to a more reasonable hour, and right now it's around 8:45 on average. Hoping to move it closer to 8 in the next week or two.
- Not a huge tummy time fan, of course, but she can lift her neck up pretty well! One of her favorite positions to be carried in is still tummy-down across my forearm, so she gets some good neck exercise in that position.
- Rather fussy. No colic though, thankfully.
- Smiles a lot when she's not fussing :)
- I've also elicited a handful of short laughs from her! Excited for the belly laughs to start soon!
- Makes the cutest little cooing noises, and "talks" to me more and more each day! I love the little ah-goo and ah-gwa noises!
- Has started trying to bat at dangling objects with her fists. We're still a couple weeks away from controlled arm movements, of course.
- Her right eye still has a plugged duct. I have to wipe crusty/goopy stuff off her eye several times a day.
- I don't "wear" her as frequently as I'd like to because it's summer time and it gets hot. Hopefully cooler weather will provide more babywearing opportunities.
- Her siblings all adore her, but I must admit that Austin is her biggest fan. It's so cute to see how much he loves her, and how sweet he is with her!
She's a precious itty bitty little angel, and we love her!

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