No more newborn! We have a full-blown baby on our hands over here. She's very interactive, starting to get a little more predictable in her routines and preferences, and is fawned over by all of us. She's a sweet little sister!
Lydia at 3 months:
- Giggles almost daily, along with occasional outbursts that are more in the "belly laugh" category! Mmmm, belly laughs!
- LOVES smiling at/taking to her reflection in the mirror.
- Has the funniest sneeze... she makes an "Aaah" sound, then a coughing sound, and then finally sneezes. Such a dramatic sneeze!
- Her clogged eye duct FINALLY cleared up 5 days ago. Poor baby hated getting that eye cleaned.
- On the flipside... she's getting some cradle cap. *Sigh
- I've tested putting her in the Bumbo seat, and I think she needs just a bit more core/trunk/neck strength before she really starts sitting in it regularly. Give it maybe 2-3 more weeks?
- She loves to coo and gurgle, and is probably a matter of days away from figuring out how to shriek. It's coming, I can feel it!
- Still loves taking showers with mama, or being under running water in the sink (which is often what happens when she's had a blowout...sink bath.)
- Twiddles her fingers together all the time (I like to joke that she's plotting an evil scheme, haha!)
- She wasn't a huge fan of being worn in the Solly Wrap when she was a newborn, but now she LOVES it. She's calm, quiet, and as long as I keep moving around, she'll eventually fall asleep! Oh, I love having her so snuggly and close.
- SUCH kissable cheeks! Love me some chunky baby cheeks!
- Accepts pacifiers more often than any of her siblings did. She doesn't seem to be a big fan of sucking on her fingers to fall asleep. Yet.
- She's been sleeping with one arm unswaddled for the past week, and we tested a sleep sack out today for her naps... it went well, so I put her in the sleep sack tonight too. If it also goes well, then we'll officially switch her over to sleep sacks! No more swaddles!
- Takes 3-4 naps per day, and sleeps the whole night with one "dream feed" and an occasional early morning wakeup. Bedtime is 7:30pm on average, and I pick her up at midnight to change her diaper and give her a bottle while she's half asleep (that's the "dream feed"), and then I usually don't hear from her again the rest of the night. Sometimes she'll wake up between 5-6am and will go back to sleep again for another hour or two once I've fed her. She's generally up for the day between 7:30-8:00am.
- Finally crying and fussing less! Such a fussy baby. I've never had one quite this fussy, unless my memory is just downplaying how much my other babies fussed. Now she has frequent periods where she's alert, content, and smiley or observant. Hallelujah.
- She's gaining weight well now! I started supplementing with formula (plus looots of pumping to try to maintain what milk supply I have left) and her weight shot right up. Nice and chunky. The pediatrician was impressed.
- On that note... she's kind of awful at nursing. No offense, Lydia, but... yeah. My lactation consultant says that she has a slightly higher palate, plus slight tongue-tie (not bad enough to warrant clipping it) which, combined together, makes getting a good latch difficult. She clicks and smacks constantly while nursing or bottle-feeding. I'm lucky that I haven't experienced cracking or bleeding. Sometimes I can manage to get her to latch well, but more often than not I can't, and now she's developed some bad habits. Nursing will probably come to an end in the next month or so because it's frustrating for both of us, but I'm going to keep pumping for as long as I can so she can keep getting breastmilk. I'll nurse as long as I can too, though. She just can't get much out, and these days she uses nursing more for comfort than for nourishment.
- Loves to hold my pinky finger while drinking from a bottle.
- Also loves to push her hand against me again and again while nursing (it reminds me of how cats "knead" with their paws)
- Because of her awful nursing technique, she swallows a lot of air...which results in a lot of burps and gas. Bicycling/pumping her legs is our friend! Gotta relieve the tummy pain! Sometimes she'll squeal in pain out of nowhere and start crying, which I'm assuming is because of the gas. Poor baby.
- I've taken to calling her "Lyddys" as well as pumpkin, peanut, Chunky One, baby sis, and sweetie pie.
She's absolutely precious, and gets cuter and more fun by the week. We love you, Itty Bitty Lyddi <3

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