Isn't she loooooovely??? But really though, she's so chonky and adorable.
Lydia at 5 months:
- Discovered her feet a couple days ago, and particularly likes grabbing onto her left foot and kicking her leg while clutching that chunky foot
- A mama's girl, through and through. She often gets upset if I leave the room, or if someone else holds her too long.
- Much more chill when we're out and about, though. Rather smiley if people coo at her, and you might even get a giggle out of her!
- Occasionally tries giving me kisses. Open-mouthed, slobbery kisses with lots of tongue action, true, but kisses nonetheless.
- Fits pretty solidly in 6 month clothes, although there are some 9 month clothes that fit pretty well
- I let her taste a tiiiiiiny bit of avocado last week. She still has some tongue-thrust reflex, so she's not quite ready for solids yet, but she seemed intrigued by the new flavor.
- She's starting to sit for very short periods by herself. When I say short, I mean that her record is probably around 5-6 seconds.
- Tummy sleeper (bum in the air, of course)
- Still is a fan of using a pacifier! She occasionally sucks her fingers during the day, but never at night. (At least, not that I've seen.)
- HAS to have a certain thick, fuzzy purple blanket in the car. Apart from helping her feel safe, warm, and cozy, she also loves to chew on it. She complains if I don't remember to tuck it around her.
- Still enjoys being in the solly wrap, although I've barely used it in the past month
- She still loves to hold my hand as she's falling asleep for her naps. So sweet.
- Doesn't really shriek or babble in a high-pitched voice much, but she loves to babble in a low-pitched growl. It's pretty funny, actually.
- Tolerates the Bumbo seat now, hooray!
- Had RSV this past month, and it was thankfully a mild case. She handled it rather well, considering she's a young baby and RSV can easily result in hospitalization!
Love you so much, itty bitty Lyddi!

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